Friday, December 30, 2005

Saying good-bye to 2005

What a year it has been. I've spent less time reflecting on the past year and more time making plans for the upcoming year. But it's in the back of mind no matter what and shapes how I look at the future. I'm thankful for the blessings I have enjoyed as many have suffered in the past months.

And now I throw open my arms and say "Welcome, 2006!" I have plans for you and me! What a great way to kick off the new year as I prepare to hang my solo show in Austin at Kerbey Lane Cafe on Sunday afternoon. David and I visited this week to size it up. What wonderful food they have! And I can't wait to see my Wildflowers blooming through out the restuarant, filling the walls with color and happiness. I'll post some photos after we get it all set up.

To you and yours, best wishes for 2006!

1 comment:

Susan Carlin said...

Hey, Linda, congratulations on the Kerbey Lane show!!! I love that place. How long will your paintings be there?
Thanks for the nice comment on my self portrait. I liked it better right after I did it than I did when I woke up this morning, but my deadline prevented fussing with it more. Probably better that way.
Hope to see you soon, Doll!