What a busy month coming up! My work will be spread here and yonder locally during August. I'm the Canyon Lake Art Guild Artist of the Month for August, which means that I'm hanging in 4 locations at Canyon Lake (which I've group according to themes). You can see my work at: Wells Fargo (Comal County scenes), the Times Guardian newspaper office (sunset photos and paintings), Tye Preston Memorial Library (Wildflower Bouquets and Birdhouses), and First State Bank (wildflowers). The work is already up and on display at these locations. A little sidebar: if you click into the library website, make note of the colors and the logo design in the upper left corner...it's my work, too!
In addition to those Canyon Lake locations, I'm regularly featured at Vulture Gulch Stained Glass in Hancock (as are photos by my husband, David). Plus I'm still in Gallery on the Square in Wimberley.
Meanwhile, I'm excited to the featured artist for August at the New Braunfels Starbucks Coffee! I'll be hanging about 6 of my LARGE wildflower paintings next week. Also in New Braunfels: I'm still out at Grandmother Moon's in Gruene and at the NB Art League Gallery in downtown New Braunfels.
If you are in the area, be sure to mark Aug. 10 on your calendar. Downtown New Braunfels will host "2nd Thursday" shopping 5-8 p.m. but this month is special--it's also Hot Art After Hours. Drop by the NB Art League Gallery for a complimentary margarita then take the stairs or elevator upstairs to my studio where I'm having an open house. I'll have some of my latest works on display, including the 5 foot by 8 foot canvas that I painted specifically for the International Licensing Show in NYC in June (See the photo posted here...that's the painting behind me). Unfortunately, I had to cut it into 3 sections for transport, but I'll be hanging it as one unit in my studio. Hope to see you there!
Camps and Classes: I have one camp left, an Introduction to Landscape Painting for ages 7-12 the second week of August. Classes are going well with several students in the Tues eve, Thurs eve and Saturday classes. I'll be taking a break the end of Aug and first part of Sept. The fall schedule will start about mid-September, including after-school classes at my studio and a weekly class at the Fischer Store School Community Center, north of Canyon Lake.