I will soon have a new outlet for my artwork! I've been invited to be one of the regular artists exhibiting at Tish's Decor and More Art Gallery at Canyon Lake (www.tishsdecor.com). The owner, Tish, has a great loft space upstairs at her decorator gallery in Sattler where she features works by several artists. I'll be bringing in my work this coming week. This is shaping up to be a busy Spring season! As mentioned before, after having a month-long exhibit at Kerbey Lane Café in Austin in January, I was selected as Artist of the Month for February by my peers at the New Braunfels Art League Gallery. Had a nice little reception there on Thursday night. My work, including the 4-ft by 4-ft "Sun Dance" will be on exhibit through the end of February. The gallery is open every day (www.newbraunfelsartleague.com).
Some of you have asked where I (and my art) will be in the coming weeks/months. You know that the Casa de Linda Art Studio is open by appointment...e-mail me at linda@casadelinda.com to set something up! Also, several of my "Wildflower Square" series paintings are available at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin (www.wildflower.org) Just a quick calendar of upcoming events I've committed to and will be showing my paintings:
Feb. 12 (tomorrow) Demo my palette knife technique at the New Braunfels Art League Gallery, 12-5
Feb. 18-19 Fine Art Show at Fair Oaks Ranch (my paintings, David's photos, our birdhouses)
March 11-12 Austin Artists Harvest FACET Fine Art Show at Palmer Auditorium
March 25 Garten Festival at Heritage Plaza in New Braunfels
April 1 Wimberley Market Day (David will most likely have a booth with his photos and our birdhouses)
April 22 Canyon Lake Market Day (mostly photos and birdhouses...David will be doing this show as I will be at a Fine Art Show at the Antique Rose Emporium that same day)
April 22-23 Fine Art Show at the Antique Rose Emporium in San Antonio
April 29 Wein & SaengerFest, downtown New Braunfels (photos, birdhouses and paintings...in the street in front of our studio!)
I'm still working on additional gallery representation throughout the area and beyond. Please let me know if you have any leads!