Monday, May 29, 2006
My "riotous" Wildflowers
The writer of the article that ran in the Express-News last Saturday used the term "riotous" to decribe one of my wildflower painting. A friend just e-mailed me after reading the article, mentioning the "riotous" wildflowers in the photo. What an interesting word, "riotous." I googled it and first went to where I not only got a definition but a pronoucition of the word. I had a sense of it's meaning just from the root word, riot. defines it as: very active, noisy, cheerful and wild. That'll work. The Merrian-Webster Online Dictionary's first definition gave "of the nature of a riot." But the second cited: "ABUNDANT, EXUBERANT: the garden was riotous with flowers." OK, so I've been using the Internet for over a decade, even met the Love of My Life on AOL, but I am still amazed at the wealth of information available online. And the speed. Wow.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Painting featured in Express-News article
A couple who own 2 of my paintings were recently interviewed for the San Antonio Express News for a Saturday home feature called "Spaces." The lead photo is of their dining room with my art as the focus, plus I am mentioned in the article! How exciting! If you'd like to read the article online, go to: and click on the headline:
"Spaces — 'Sweat equity,' love of art help couple renovate home"
After today, this link may not work. If you still want to find the article, you can by searching the archives.
23 days before I fly to New York. Spent much of yesterday and day gathering packing materials and assessing what work I'll ship up this coming week. Almost done with my new business card, need to work other sales material and my packets. But I even found time to do some painting this morning!
"Spaces — 'Sweat equity,' love of art help couple renovate home"
After today, this link may not work. If you still want to find the article, you can by searching the archives.
23 days before I fly to New York. Spent much of yesterday and day gathering packing materials and assessing what work I'll ship up this coming week. Almost done with my new business card, need to work other sales material and my packets. But I even found time to do some painting this morning!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Summer Art Camps and Classes
Lots of interest is stirring for my summer schedule of camps and classes! And I couldn't be happier. I do love teaching art so very much. What's great about this kind of teaching is that the students (at least most of them) WANT to be there! I've already filled one camp and have several others with students signed up. And my summer Tuesday evening class for adults has 5 students. Wow. What a great's going to be a lot of fun! If you live in the area, help spread the word that I offer camps for ages 5 and up. I can be reached by e-mail at Thanks!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
New York hotel...flight...check
OK, one more thing off my to-do list. Booked a flight and hotel for NY last night. So much more to do. Leave in 26 days! Had some more title suggestions for my most recent works. I've already registered the copyrights with the titles I choose a few days back. But thanks to those of you who looked and posted or sent me comments! If you haven't checked them out, please click over when you have time.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Progress on preparing for Licensing show

I almost feel like I need to create another blog just to journal about my journey to make it to the International Licensing Show. Every day I try to spend some time on some aspect of preparing for the show. For example, last week I completed a few more paintings to choose from. They are photographed for copyright registration. I now need to varnish them so they have time to cure so I can pack everything up to ship it to New York. In going over the options last night I've decided my best bet is to ship the work to the Freeman warehouse (it has to be there by June 8). Freeman handles the material (and decorating) for the Jacob Javits Convention Center. They will store the work and bring it to my booth during set up on Monday, June 19--all for a fee, of course. Every time I turn around, there's a price tag in addition to what I've already paid for the booth. No one said this would be cheap or easy. So here it is Sunday morning. I leave in 29 days. On today's agenda: work on a spiffy business card design and flyer to print up to have something to hand out; work on a nice packet that I'll have for those really serious contacts (that'll include a CD burned with images, my bio, etc.); varnish the paintings ... and I volunteer at the New Braunfels Art League Gallery today!
If you haven't seen my latest works, please click over to my wildflower gallery and help me name these paintings! Thanks!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Help...Newest Wildflower paintings need titles!

In preparing for my trip to New York in June, I saw the window of opportunity to get any new paintings done to choose from quickly closing on me. With that in mind, I did some serious--really serious--painting over the last few weeks. I have 6 new works to pick from now as I choose what to ship for my booth at the International Licensing Show. I've posted one here, but this and all the others are posted on my Wildflower Gallery blog. And now I need titles! Previously, I had great results from inviting friends and strangers to suggest titles for my paintings. I need your help again. Check out the new works on my other blog, Linda's Wildflower Gallery, and post your suggestions and comments on the new additions.
In other news...the Open House and Sale-a-bration for my 2nd anniversary was a great success. I am so thankful for such wonderful friends and supporters...true patrons of the arts--of my art! Thank you all! Registrations for summer art camps and classes are going well. Life is good. Busy. But good.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Open House, Art Camps and classes
Lots to do this week getting ready for my 2nd anniversary Open House and Sale-A-Bration at Casa de Linda Art Studio. I've sent out my newsletters to over 300 friends. Some went e-mail but most went snail mail. If you live in the area, please mark your calendar for May 11-14 and come celebrate with me! I'm putting up a special exhibit of my paintings and I'm having an Inventory Reduction Sale on select works--save 10-50%. David will also have his photos out and some will be marked 25-50% off. Our hand-painted Texas Birdhouses are marked down 25% and I'm having a clearance on my lo-carb cookbook at 75% off! The fun begins Thursday, May 11, when the studio will be open 6-8 p.m. In fact, most of the stores in downtown New Braunfels will be open for "2nd Thursday" so come stroll the shops! An extra special treat: the premier of the New Braunfels Art League Giant Art Stein Parade! And my stein, SpringStein, will be one of them. Then my Open House continues on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. -5 p.m and on Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. As you can tell, this is all consuming of my time and energy. I have been painting this week and last. Finished my largest yet--a 6 foot by 8 foot canvas--to take to the International Licensing Show in June! Plus I did two 30X40 and a 24X30 canvas, as well as a round of the squares. On top of all this, I'm gearing up for my Summer Art Camps and Classes.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Welcome May!
What a month April turned out to be! As usual, I took on more projects than what I could accomplish. Well, not really as I managed to get just about everything done...and pretty much on time. In regards to art (I do other things, but that's not what this blog is about), I had a great day at Wein and Saengerfest in New Braunfels. Pleased with the help I had setting up the booth (thanks Kay and Karen!), the company I had all day (thanks Bonnie!), the sales (yippee!), and the weather was great! What more could I ask for? Spent Sunday cleaning and organizing my studio (mostly done) and then on Monday I completed my giant art stein. Mine will be one of 41 on display this summer in New Braunfels. Chase Bank is sponsoring my SpringStein. It looks a lot like my birdhouses...typical Texas Spring Landscape. I'll post a photo in the next few days.
I have something really big on the horizon. I've signed up for a booth at the International Licensing Show in New York. That's where I'll be come June 20-22! My hope, my dream is to interest one or more manufacturers in licensing my Wildflowers for any number of products: textiles, bed-n-bath, dinnerware, clothes, purses, ties...imagine the possibilities! So, I have less than 7 weeks to 1) raise the money to finance the trip, 2) book the airline and hotel, 3) create a marketing plan including news releases, bio, etc. 4) design and print material for packets to give out, 5) figure out what paintings I'm taking and how I'm getting them there, and, well, you get the picture!
On top of that, this month I celebrate my second anniversary for the Casa de Linda Art Studio and Gallery! Wow, it's been 2 years since I opened the doors on my studio upstairs at the New Braunfels Art League Gallery! Also, on top of THAT, I'm putting together my summer art camps and class schedule! Whew!
Since I want to celebrate my anniversary, promote my summer camps and raise money for my New York trip, I'm going to throw one big SALE-A-BRATION next week. It'll start with 2nd Thursday reception, Thurs May 11 from 6-8 p.m. Then continue through to Sunday. I'll have some great specials...the sales flyer is going in the mail in a few days. If you are interested and you are not on my mailing list, please e-mail me ( and I'll send you a pdf version. The more the merrier! Oh..and my stein along the other 40 steins will be on display as well!
I have something really big on the horizon. I've signed up for a booth at the International Licensing Show in New York. That's where I'll be come June 20-22! My hope, my dream is to interest one or more manufacturers in licensing my Wildflowers for any number of products: textiles, bed-n-bath, dinnerware, clothes, purses, ties...imagine the possibilities! So, I have less than 7 weeks to 1) raise the money to finance the trip, 2) book the airline and hotel, 3) create a marketing plan including news releases, bio, etc. 4) design and print material for packets to give out, 5) figure out what paintings I'm taking and how I'm getting them there, and, well, you get the picture!
On top of that, this month I celebrate my second anniversary for the Casa de Linda Art Studio and Gallery! Wow, it's been 2 years since I opened the doors on my studio upstairs at the New Braunfels Art League Gallery! Also, on top of THAT, I'm putting together my summer art camps and class schedule! Whew!
Since I want to celebrate my anniversary, promote my summer camps and raise money for my New York trip, I'm going to throw one big SALE-A-BRATION next week. It'll start with 2nd Thursday reception, Thurs May 11 from 6-8 p.m. Then continue through to Sunday. I'll have some great specials...the sales flyer is going in the mail in a few days. If you are interested and you are not on my mailing list, please e-mail me ( and I'll send you a pdf version. The more the merrier! Oh..and my stein along the other 40 steins will be on display as well!
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