Monday, May 29, 2006

My "riotous" Wildflowers

The writer of the article that ran in the Express-News last Saturday used the term "riotous" to decribe one of my wildflower painting. A friend just e-mailed me after reading the article, mentioning the "riotous" wildflowers in the photo. What an interesting word, "riotous." I googled it and first went to where I not only got a definition but a pronoucition of the word. I had a sense of it's meaning just from the root word, riot. defines it as: very active, noisy, cheerful and wild. That'll work. The Merrian-Webster Online Dictionary's first definition gave "of the nature of a riot." But the second cited: "ABUNDANT, EXUBERANT: the garden was riotous with flowers." OK, so I've been using the Internet for over a decade, even met the Love of My Life on AOL, but I am still amazed at the wealth of information available online. And the speed. Wow.

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